On May 6th and 7th the Sharon Recycling Department debuted the town's first Drop/Swap event.
Taking place in the spacious entrance hall of the new Sharon High School building, the drop/swap event is a way to celebrate the "reuse" in "reduce, reuse, recycle," helping residents to extend the useful life of unwanted textiles and household goods by encouraging donations on Saturday that were then available to anyone who might want them during the Sharon Green Day festival on Sunday for FREE.
The event was a success, with residents donating thousands of items, including:
clothing, linens, and other textiles
books and media
sports equipment
glass and kitchenware
art and picture frames
and more!
Approximately 40% of the donations were redistributed to other locals the next day and what was left over was donated to the town's textile donation vendor -CMRK Inc. - where it will be further distributed or recycled.