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Easton Children’s Museum Easton, MA
Children can touch, feel and play at the museum. Good for ages 1-8 years. www.childrensmuseumineaston.org
Blue Hill Reservation Milton, MA
Offers Blue Hills Trailside Museum, skiing, hiking, and more. https://www.mass.gov/locations/blue-hills-reservation
Boston Children's Museum Boston, MA
Offers exhibits, programs, and hand-on activities, and more. http://www.bostonchildrensmuseum.org/
Museum of Science Boston, MA Offers exhibits, 4-D films, and hands-on science activities, and more. http://www.mos.org/
Edaville Carver, MA http://www.edaville.com/
Sharon Recreation Department
Activities for both adults and children http://www.sharonrec.com/info/default.aspx
Community Education
Activities for both children and adults. You can find information about before and after care at the schools here. https://sharoncommunityeducation.com/
Sharon Public Library
http://www.sharonpubliclibrary.org/ The library has books, magazines, videos, activities and events for children and adults.