School Committee
Committee Members
Chair: Julie Rowe Vice Chair: Avi Shemtov Secretary: Shanna Belenky
Memebers: Jeremy Kay
Allan Motenko
Daniel Newman
Adam Shain
About Us
The Sharon Public Schools School Committee is an active board made up of 7 members of the Sharon community who are committed to ensuring that every child, parent, and staff member has the best possible learning environment. The committee typically meets on Wednesday evenings approximately twice a month.
Email the Sharon School Committee at: sc@sharonschools.net
Mailing Address:
Sharon School Committee
75 Mountain Street
Sharon, MA 02067
School Committee Correspondence
The School Committee welcomes correspondence from all members of the Sharon Community. The School Committee makes every effort to respond to all correspondence. Letters received by 9:00 AM the day of a School Committee meeting will also be summarized at that meeting. Please note that all correspondence sent to the School Committee is covered by Open Meeting Law requirements and, as such, is considered a public record document.
Community Input at School Committee Meetings
The School Committee recognizes the importance of providing a forum for community input.
As per School Committee policy BEDHA, the Committee "shall set aside thirty minutes prior to the first scheduled meeting each month as an Open Forum period to receive community input regarding the operations of the Sharon Public Schools." In addition, "where practical, community participation in the discussion of specific agenda items will be accommodated during any regular School Committee meeting. The Chair may set specific time constraints on such comments when necessary".
Open Forums are not intended to replace procedures which are already established to address and resolve specific building or child-related issues; parents and community members are reminded to first follow these established procedures (through a teacher, building adminstrator, and/or subsequently the Superindendent or his/her designee).