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Dear Sharon Families and Staff,

First of all, I would like to express how very excited I am to be the new Superintendent of the Sharon Public Schools.  I greatly appreciate all who have welcomed me so kindly to Sharon thus far. It is hard to believe that we are already in the 3rd week of July.  I truly hope that everyone is enjoying every moment and getting to spend some much needed time with friends and family.

During my  first several weeks, we have been working feverishly to recruit and hire key members of the central office team including Linda Hallamore, our new Human Resource Director. In addition, as many of you know, Dr. Meg Dussault will be continuing on as our Interim Assistant Superintendent.  I greatly appreciate having Dr. Dussault as a knowledgeable and trusted partner in the critical work that we will be doing.  Together, we will keep you updated on other new important hires and information throughout the summer. We hope to begin the 2021-2022 school year with a much greater sense of normalcy while supporting the joys of learning and teaching in our schools after an incredibly challenging 18 months. You can expect further communication in August regarding what school will look like for 2021-2022 year.

Last week, after returning from a meeting of the New Superintendents Induction Program with 30+ new superintendents in the Commonwealth,  I was thrilled to attend the Topping Off Ceremony at the new Sharon High School building project.  The milestone event honored the dedication of the many individuals that brought the new high school facility to fruition including the generous support of the residents of Sharon.  It also celebrated the exciting and promising future of the Sharon schools as a whole.

During these first few weeks in Sharon,  I have had the pleasure of meeting with many wonderful people in the district. In my initial conversations, I have been working to listen and learn as much about the community as possible in order to understand the many strengths of the district, the areas to improve upon, and the hopes for the district in the future.  These introductory meetings will set the foundation for more conversations and forums with a wide range of stakeholders throughout the summer and fall.  This information will become a key part of my formal entry plan, which will be shared with the community later in the summer.

Thank you again for welcoming me so graciously to Sharon.


Peter J. Botelho, Ed.D.

Records Access Officer

The Massachusetts Public Records Law requires every agency to designate a Records Access Officer (RAO) to assist requestors in obtaining public records.
The Records Access Officer for the Sharon Public Schools is Dr. Joel Jocelyn, Assistant Superintendent, Requests for Public Records can be submitted to jjocelyn@sharonschools.net