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Capital Outlay requests represent equipment that would normally show up on inventory lists. Items must be valued at more than $10,000 and have a 5 year life. Below you will see attachments that represent both current requests for capital items and a five year plan that identifies needs going forward and the approximate year the item may be requested.
The process begins each school year in September where requests are identified by staff and administration. Estimated pricing is attached to the requests. By the end of October, requests have been submitted to the Capital Outlay Committee. In November and December the requests are considered by the Capital Outlay (town-wide) Committee, with presentations made by each group requesting items. During January and February, these requests will be considered and approved (or not) to go forward to Town Meeting in May. The items voted in May are funded for the next fiscal year, beginning July 1.
Examples of items for the schools that are generally considered by Capital Outlay are: kitchen equipment, furniture, security needs, acoustical needs for special education students such as rugs and acoustical tiles, musical instruments that belong to the schools, special education vans and maintenance trucks, building repairs or remodeling needs, modular buildings,technology equipment such as networking systems, computers and tablets, monitors, projectors, and other "5 year" equipment.